Monday, November 17, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A family of Generations

This is my family My sister Mary, My Mother, Robyn my niece and her little boy Robert John (we call him R J)

More of Dad

More of Dad in the nursing home
At right he always wore his Highway Patrol Hat He was proud of where I work. Above is Mom and Dad together. I always would make sure Mom would go see dad at least once a week and that he never lacked visitors.
He passed away Oct 08, 2008 peacefully and is now able to walk the Streets of Gold something he has not been able to do in quite some time.

Pictures of Nita and Mike

This was on our trip to Branson last year and we had so much fun
We camped in our Camping Trailer and were able to stay about a week
We now have a fifth wheel with a slide out and are looking forward to another trip sometime
We also met a nice couple there name is Sue and Richard.
They have become lifelong buddies to us. They live in Texas.

My Dad

This is my dad in the nursing home