Monday, August 9, 2010

The talk

I had to have "the talk" with my aunt...
She can no longer live by herself and will be in the nursing home for good...
Somethings in life are just not fair...
It was not fair that my Dad was in a nursing home, taken away from his wife of 58 yrs to spend the last 3 yrs of their marriage alone and apart from each other...I saw her cry so much
every time they had to part from each other..
It was not fair that after he passed Mom got worse and I had to move her from her home of over 50 yrs to an assisted living facility...It was not fair she cried herself to sleep...I tried to sooth her but she did not understand...
They never do understand that you are doing this for their safety and well being..
It is not fair I am having to be in charge of my aunt because no one else will...
It is not fair I am having to have "the talk" with her and that I am the one to see the tears...

Yes some things in life are just not I ask myself How do you deal with the unfairness of life?
1 You trust God that the unfairness is part of HIS plan
2- You look at the good side of life...the people he has brought together the times I spent with Dad at the nursing home sharing pop with him while he thought he was a school bus driver
3- You laugh at the little things, and cry when you feel the need to (It helps you feel better)
4 You find it is OK to get mad, or angry and sad because that is a part of life
5 and most important you enjoy life while you have it...go on trips, have BBQ's, pray and life one day at a time because God has not promised you a tomorrow but he has promised you LIFE for today!!!

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