You may ask what is a DK?? Well there are PK's that is a Preachers Kid and there are DK's and that is a Deacons Kid...
There is an old saying that the DK's are the ones that got the PK's into trouble...
So what is it like growing up as a DK?
Well You go to church on Sunday Morning, Sunday Evening, Tuesday night, Wednesday night, Friday night and every time the doors are open
Once when I was about 2 (yes I barely remember it) but my sister was sick and Mom had staying home with her and Dad took me to church and forgot that he had me
I remember standing outside the church on the sidewalk with the nursery worker...Dad finally came back for me...I am sure that was not the LAST time he wanted to forget me!!! LOL
When I was born they had a contest to see how fast they could get me enrolled in Sunday School and I was at church the following Sunday (I was probably barely over a week old and no I don't remember it) but they sang "Happy Birthday to me"
Now I had the meanest parents around...I could not talk in church and once was discussing with a friend of mine about Daylight Savings time...well the preacher stopped, my Dad got up and sat between us...Yep they sure were mean..
They were sooooo mean I could not go to church camp two weeks in a row (Hello I had boyfriends in other churches) they wanted me to work around the I did the normal thing a 16 yr old will do...I ran away...Yes I got a ride to Luther, OK then sat on a Bus bench...the police saw me and asked me if I was a run away and I said "yes sir" he then asked if I had ID and I said "yes sir" so he commenced to calling my parents..
While we waited I got the lecture about how dangerous it was for me to be out there but then he turned around and told me "But you're the cutest customer we have had all day!!"
All of a sudden a car drove up..."is that your dad?" he asked NO but then this long, thin man got out "Oh no that is worse that is the Preacher Bro Albright"
My parents were strick Baptist...You know the saying "I don't smoke, drink, cuss or chew...and I don't go with none who do" So I did the logical thing If the boyfriends were Baptist I would bring them home to meet the parents, however if they were not and did any of the above I would meet them someplace else...
Oh yes and there is Falls Creek...I have been many times, learned how to two time there, camped there, was a counselor there and have had many Religious experiences there...
I must for all teenagers...
I was spent my ENTIRE summer at Camp Nunny Cha Ha yes it was I say was because times change and it is no longer a GA camp...but back then it was the camp for GA girls..I attended there when I was 12 and when I was 18 I worked my entire summer there seeing many little girls lives changed. I made $20 a week so it was not a job to make alot of money but rewarding otherwise. We had one week-end we were required to stay there and one week-end we were required to go home...
The week-end we were required to stay there they had a dinner for us in Davis, OK at the local Steak House and on the Marque it said "Welcome Baptist General Convention" we were all 18 going "Wow we are not the Baptist General Convention!!"
Guess I am fortunate that My parents and I both survived my teen years...Later on I became
proud to be a DK and I guess that is why I helped Dad and Mom so much in their elder years...because for years it was only my Parents and I as my sister went to college and got married so I spent alot of time getting to know them, vacationing with them, cooking for them, worrying about them and loving them...
Yes I am a DK and I survived!!!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
My Dad

OK I have told about my Mom but what about my Dad???
Dad was a very quiet person...He was the one who didn't want to be in charge but
Dad was a very quiet person...He was the one who didn't want to be in charge but
just wanted to take up the slack...We was the Secretary for his SS department for years
and even though he had Parkinsons and was all bent over he still was there to do his job.
He was a Deacon, the one who took up the Offering, the one to attended evening worship, who
led nursing home services...
He was a hard worker and compassionate...Never wanting strife or division...If we were upset at something as a child he was the one who would take us out for Ice cream just to make us feel better...
Dad could fix anything...He worked on cars, clocks, jewelry, plumbing, and alot more
Once we had plumbing problems on Easter and Mom and Dad gave up Easter services to come over and Dad and Mike worked on the plumbing while Mom and I went out got a Ham and fixed a ham dinner for everyone...
Dad loved Breakfast and when he got older Our thing was to go out for breakfast...I would tell him I was coming over at 0600am and the man would be ready at 0400am waiting on me..
He LOVED breakfast and he LOVED going out with his daughter...
Once on my BD he asked me what I wanted for my BD so we stopped at an auto supply store and he got me a long magnet (they are great for picking up lost needles) they cost about $3 in a craft store but he spent less than a dollar (another one of his qualities was to save money)
You would often find him at the flea market getting bargains...Once we found an old medicine cabinet...Plans were to put it in the wall of my bedroom....Mom through a fit so we both found out our dollar bargain was not too much of a bargain!!
In my younger days Dad would take me to the park, we would play softball and eat tamales from the tamale man...
After dad got in the nursing home I hurt for him, to have the dad I used to have...I would often go up there and buy him a pop and we would sit together drinking had dementia so he thought he was still a volunteer for the Red Cross or a School Bus driving...He would tell me
"It's about time to go get the kids" I would just say "OK" He would say "You can come along if you want" again I would say OK and we would sit there a few minutes...He would then ask what time was it...I would tell him it was about 0400pm and he would say "Well maybe it is a little early!!"
Even in the nursing home at times Hospice would come in to minister to him...when they got through they would bow in prayers and they didn't have to pray a single prayer because Dad would take off and start praying...
I loved my Dad and loved spending time with him after all not every daughter can say they have had a Dad who would spend time with them...
After his death I came up with a list of things I never saw my dad do...
1-I never saw my Dad drunk
2-I never saw my Dad smoke
3-I never saw my Dad swear
And what I have seen my Dad do
1-I have seen my Dad pray
2-I have seen my Dad go to church
3-I have seen my Dad read the Bible
4-I have seen my Dad cry over Gods word
Not everyone can make a list as GREAT as this one
What is grief?? I came from a small family so had not been to alot of funerals..I remember in my early 20's a friend of mine had her mother in the hospital (I think she had a hysterectomy) so I knowing she was religious person set out to find a gift to give her before my visit...It was around Memorial Day (a day set aside for Picnics) so I found a lovely arrangements in the shape of a cross...Yep I was fortunate enough to show everyone at work my new find...Finally a friend said "Nita you do know that is an arrangement to put on a grave!!!" I am so glad she told me so I ended up giving it to the parents so they could place it on the grave of the baby they had lost when My sister was born and buying something else for the lady in the hospital...
When we tried to have children, I felt a loss every Month but did not realize what this was and became severly depressed...I had let the grief every Month turn into depression. I did not really know what this was until my Husbands Mom had passed and I felt a loss at her passing...then I began to realize that the loss I was experiencing every month was also a form of grief..
I have also found that everyone grieves in their own way and you may not grieve the same way each time...
When My Dad had passed I had grieved for him the summer before (this is common with care-givers) as I had lost the Dad I used to have, the Dad who could fix anything, the Dad who was strong and he was now in a nursing home not even able to get out of bed without help...
I found it was fortunate that I had grieved for him beforehand because when Dad passed I had to help Mom through her grief of losing her spouse...She was 86 and did not understand what she was feeling..
Mom had also grieved for Dad ahead of time, each time he was taken away from her to move into the nursing home, or come to our house etc she had grieved over losing her husband.
But her real grief came at his death...She was depressed, wanting to join him and wanting to die..
Then when Mom died I thought OK I have done this before I can do it again...Oh yes I was just fine up until the Funeral...we had friends and food over here every day...and I was in charge because I knew I had to be...I planned the funeral and everything...then the Day of the Funeral I became sick and nervous...I had to have help getting ready and I cried all during the service..
The following Saturday we moved all her things from her apartment and that evening saw a friend of mine down the street...It was cold and we both cried together in the street in the cold..the next day I went to church... I was good in Sunday School and church and felt a little down so decided to go shopping...
Yep in the middle of Kohls it hit me...I began crying...I ran out and called a friend of mine who assured me that it was Normal grief and would not be the last...She said to go to my car and have a good cry then continue my shopping...
Since then I have had my sadness...Like pulling up the Christmas decorations knowing we had no one left to enjoy them except for us...or like when it was icy and snowy and remembering that the last time it was like this (2 yrs ago) that Mom was still at the house and had an anxiety attack so she came over here and we crocheted together...
Yes sadness but I have also learned not to let your grief turn into depression no matter what you are grieving about because there is always something to be happy about...You can find something you can think happy thoughts, positive thoughts and trust in God and everything ends up all right...Grief is a normal part of life and I am thankful that God always sees us through it!!
When we tried to have children, I felt a loss every Month but did not realize what this was and became severly depressed...I had let the grief every Month turn into depression. I did not really know what this was until my Husbands Mom had passed and I felt a loss at her passing...then I began to realize that the loss I was experiencing every month was also a form of grief..
I have also found that everyone grieves in their own way and you may not grieve the same way each time...
When My Dad had passed I had grieved for him the summer before (this is common with care-givers) as I had lost the Dad I used to have, the Dad who could fix anything, the Dad who was strong and he was now in a nursing home not even able to get out of bed without help...
I found it was fortunate that I had grieved for him beforehand because when Dad passed I had to help Mom through her grief of losing her spouse...She was 86 and did not understand what she was feeling..
Mom had also grieved for Dad ahead of time, each time he was taken away from her to move into the nursing home, or come to our house etc she had grieved over losing her husband.
But her real grief came at his death...She was depressed, wanting to join him and wanting to die..
Then when Mom died I thought OK I have done this before I can do it again...Oh yes I was just fine up until the Funeral...we had friends and food over here every day...and I was in charge because I knew I had to be...I planned the funeral and everything...then the Day of the Funeral I became sick and nervous...I had to have help getting ready and I cried all during the service..
The following Saturday we moved all her things from her apartment and that evening saw a friend of mine down the street...It was cold and we both cried together in the street in the cold..the next day I went to church... I was good in Sunday School and church and felt a little down so decided to go shopping...
Yep in the middle of Kohls it hit me...I began crying...I ran out and called a friend of mine who assured me that it was Normal grief and would not be the last...She said to go to my car and have a good cry then continue my shopping...
Since then I have had my sadness...Like pulling up the Christmas decorations knowing we had no one left to enjoy them except for us...or like when it was icy and snowy and remembering that the last time it was like this (2 yrs ago) that Mom was still at the house and had an anxiety attack so she came over here and we crocheted together...
Yes sadness but I have also learned not to let your grief turn into depression no matter what you are grieving about because there is always something to be happy about...You can find something you can think happy thoughts, positive thoughts and trust in God and everything ends up all right...Grief is a normal part of life and I am thankful that God always sees us through it!!
The worst day of my life
I think about what day has been the worst day of my life??? As a teenager you may think it is being dumped by the most popular an adult you problems and troubles seem to get bigger..
I have had many bad days....One that would classify as up there at the top would be when the Dr told me we only had a 10% chance of ever conceiving (with procedures), but again as bad as that was it was not the worst day of my life...
I also had several bad days since then...we lost Dad Oct 2008 and we lost Mom Dec 2009 and as bad as they were again they were not the worst day of my life...
The worst day of my life was when I had to place Dad in a nursing home knowing it was for good...He looked so sad, Mom cried and I was also crying...I cried for about a week...
The day after I placed him in a nursing home I went back up there (to be sure he was OK)
He looked so sad..I also was sad..
I had taken the dogs with me and they were having a church service...I suppose the nursing home is the only place where you can attend church and take your dogs with you also..
As they sang all the familiar songs I began to cry, trying hard not to let Dad see me upset...after all he didn't like it when someone else felt bad...
All I could think of was when Dad used to lead the nursing home services, How he was a deacon, one who took up the offering and now here he was...Instead of ministering to residents who were sitting there with slobber on their faces all of a sudden here he was the one I loved who had the slobber all over face..(Parkinsons also causes drooling)
When I left I again broke down in tears...I was able to muster enough energy to go to work on Monday and my boss (the main boss a Lt for the OHP) asked me how my Dad was doing and I sarted crying and said "He is not good!!" Bad enough that you have to cry but in front of a Man!!
He said "Life just isn't fair sometimes is it??"
So how did I survive?? Well you get used to it I guess...You get used to the weekly visits, you begin to know the nursing staff, you begin to know the other residents and you begin to rely on God for peace and comfort...Life as I knew it with the parents has changed and will never be the same again...
I have had many bad days....One that would classify as up there at the top would be when the Dr told me we only had a 10% chance of ever conceiving (with procedures), but again as bad as that was it was not the worst day of my life...
I also had several bad days since then...we lost Dad Oct 2008 and we lost Mom Dec 2009 and as bad as they were again they were not the worst day of my life...
The worst day of my life was when I had to place Dad in a nursing home knowing it was for good...He looked so sad, Mom cried and I was also crying...I cried for about a week...
The day after I placed him in a nursing home I went back up there (to be sure he was OK)
He looked so sad..I also was sad..
I had taken the dogs with me and they were having a church service...I suppose the nursing home is the only place where you can attend church and take your dogs with you also..
As they sang all the familiar songs I began to cry, trying hard not to let Dad see me upset...after all he didn't like it when someone else felt bad...
All I could think of was when Dad used to lead the nursing home services, How he was a deacon, one who took up the offering and now here he was...Instead of ministering to residents who were sitting there with slobber on their faces all of a sudden here he was the one I loved who had the slobber all over face..(Parkinsons also causes drooling)
When I left I again broke down in tears...I was able to muster enough energy to go to work on Monday and my boss (the main boss a Lt for the OHP) asked me how my Dad was doing and I sarted crying and said "He is not good!!" Bad enough that you have to cry but in front of a Man!!
He said "Life just isn't fair sometimes is it??"
So how did I survive?? Well you get used to it I guess...You get used to the weekly visits, you begin to know the nursing staff, you begin to know the other residents and you begin to rely on God for peace and comfort...Life as I knew it with the parents has changed and will never be the same again...
OK as many of you care-givers know....Caring for loved ones is very time consuming and takes us away from family and relationships...
We did now ask for this just kinda happened
Hubby and I were very close and we went to church together, then we got involved in a Christian Motorcycle group...we finally got tired of that so we sold our Motorcycle and spent some time remodeling the house...plans were to get an RV however it was about that time that Dad fell on the ice...
He was OK at first then unable to I took him to Drs who sent him to rehab...I came home in tears...hubby said what is wrong? Hello rehab is the skilled unit of the nursing home..
Dad did OK at first and was able to go back home then he kept falling (Parkinsons) and finally
got to where he could not Mom calls me crying that she cannot take care of him...I was driving 50 miles a day...would go over there before work to help get him on the pot then he had in-home health care during the day and I would go after work to help again..
Finally we just put our heads together and Hubby and I decided to take him over to our house to live...(worst decision ever)
Mom was upset (her spouse of 50 some years was being taken away from her and Mom had never lived alone!!) I would take him to church on Sunday Morning (He was the secretary of his department) and him and Mom would be in church together it was also the only time Hubby and I would have our quit time together...then Mom would come over after church and we would have a Sunday dinner together...
Why did I do this?? Well maybe it was because I was always close to my parents and maybe it was because dad was a Baptist Deacon and I wanted to help him as much as possible...
But we thought about divorce often (and we always had a solid marriage) and many times I was faced with trying to decide between the parents and my spouse...
Finally Dad had back surgery and we got him back on a walker and he was able to go back to Mom...well she was afraid she could not care for him again so Hubby went over there and built an excellent ramp for them...
The first Day he went back to his house he fell and Mom called crying but that would be the first of many falls (Parkinsons again) But I guess I started putting Parents before God and intensions were good but it just happened...
My husbands parents passed at an early age, His Mom was 54 and his dad was 60 so he always told me to take care of the parents...
Well after about a year of Dad being back with Mom he had a major fall and spent the night in the floor that was when Hospice said he needed to be in a nursing we called 911 and placed him in the Hospital (so he could get 90 days of Medicare in the nursing home) and I set out finding a place for Dad...It was the worse Day of my life when I placed him in the nursing home for good...If I would have known then what I know now I think he could have been in an assisted living center that was progressive...but I only did what Hospice suggested and we did not expect him to be there 3 1/2 yrs He was a survivor...
I went through so much depressions and turmoil during this time that hubby and I knew we needed a church home...So I placed dad in a nursing home in April and in Oct we joined a local Baptist fact we did not visit any others but his one and they have a tremendous prayer ministry to which I found very helpful...I spent alot of hours and e-mails sending to the Prayer room. We found Sunday School classes and began praying together and attending church..we needed this support as Mom was also going through depression and grief (yes you can grieve for someone before they pass I found this out the summer before Dad passed)
After about 3 yrs Mom began having health problems herself and she fell...I also saw that she just could not live by herself any I began looking for a place for her as well...I found a very lovely Independent living center for her but expensive as well...I was the one in charge of their to help out I would take turns with the aide taking Mom to Sunday School and church...This also did not help my relationship with hubby or God...I felt alot of times I needed to be in church with my spouse and became jealous many times...but I also enjoyed doing this for Mom...I would bring her back home and My wonderful hubby would have dinner ready for us...Then Dad passed in Oct 2008 and Mom suffered from grief and depressions to which I tried very hard to help her...It was at this time she began having problems with her Alzheimers so I had the Dr place her on Aricept, Namenda and Zoloft It at least kept her independent for about 9 more months...We had gotten away from our Sunday School classes and we again needed to attend church together...we tried several classes but did not fit in well...Finally we found a good class we both loved. The pastor had just started it...we both enjoyed it and we attended as much as possible...Then Mom started forgetting more and more and I had to make the decision of placing her in Assisted was good for everyone...It helped Mom to stay as independent as possible and it helped me and hubby to begin attending our Sunday School and church more...
Then Mom passed in Dec 2009. Our Sunday School class really helped out alot and I feel that easied the grief experience...After the grief was over I began looking at our own lives and marriage...Yes we attended church and yes we prayed but it was not what it should be. So we started really getting into the Bible and praying together and increasing our relationship with each other and with God..
Would I do it again?? Yes I would in a heartbeat!! But I think I would concentrate more on our relation with each other and with God...
We did now ask for this just kinda happened
Hubby and I were very close and we went to church together, then we got involved in a Christian Motorcycle group...we finally got tired of that so we sold our Motorcycle and spent some time remodeling the house...plans were to get an RV however it was about that time that Dad fell on the ice...
He was OK at first then unable to I took him to Drs who sent him to rehab...I came home in tears...hubby said what is wrong? Hello rehab is the skilled unit of the nursing home..
Dad did OK at first and was able to go back home then he kept falling (Parkinsons) and finally
got to where he could not Mom calls me crying that she cannot take care of him...I was driving 50 miles a day...would go over there before work to help get him on the pot then he had in-home health care during the day and I would go after work to help again..
Finally we just put our heads together and Hubby and I decided to take him over to our house to live...(worst decision ever)
Mom was upset (her spouse of 50 some years was being taken away from her and Mom had never lived alone!!) I would take him to church on Sunday Morning (He was the secretary of his department) and him and Mom would be in church together it was also the only time Hubby and I would have our quit time together...then Mom would come over after church and we would have a Sunday dinner together...
Why did I do this?? Well maybe it was because I was always close to my parents and maybe it was because dad was a Baptist Deacon and I wanted to help him as much as possible...
But we thought about divorce often (and we always had a solid marriage) and many times I was faced with trying to decide between the parents and my spouse...
Finally Dad had back surgery and we got him back on a walker and he was able to go back to Mom...well she was afraid she could not care for him again so Hubby went over there and built an excellent ramp for them...
The first Day he went back to his house he fell and Mom called crying but that would be the first of many falls (Parkinsons again) But I guess I started putting Parents before God and intensions were good but it just happened...
My husbands parents passed at an early age, His Mom was 54 and his dad was 60 so he always told me to take care of the parents...
Well after about a year of Dad being back with Mom he had a major fall and spent the night in the floor that was when Hospice said he needed to be in a nursing we called 911 and placed him in the Hospital (so he could get 90 days of Medicare in the nursing home) and I set out finding a place for Dad...It was the worse Day of my life when I placed him in the nursing home for good...If I would have known then what I know now I think he could have been in an assisted living center that was progressive...but I only did what Hospice suggested and we did not expect him to be there 3 1/2 yrs He was a survivor...
I went through so much depressions and turmoil during this time that hubby and I knew we needed a church home...So I placed dad in a nursing home in April and in Oct we joined a local Baptist fact we did not visit any others but his one and they have a tremendous prayer ministry to which I found very helpful...I spent alot of hours and e-mails sending to the Prayer room. We found Sunday School classes and began praying together and attending church..we needed this support as Mom was also going through depression and grief (yes you can grieve for someone before they pass I found this out the summer before Dad passed)
After about 3 yrs Mom began having health problems herself and she fell...I also saw that she just could not live by herself any I began looking for a place for her as well...I found a very lovely Independent living center for her but expensive as well...I was the one in charge of their to help out I would take turns with the aide taking Mom to Sunday School and church...This also did not help my relationship with hubby or God...I felt alot of times I needed to be in church with my spouse and became jealous many times...but I also enjoyed doing this for Mom...I would bring her back home and My wonderful hubby would have dinner ready for us...Then Dad passed in Oct 2008 and Mom suffered from grief and depressions to which I tried very hard to help her...It was at this time she began having problems with her Alzheimers so I had the Dr place her on Aricept, Namenda and Zoloft It at least kept her independent for about 9 more months...We had gotten away from our Sunday School classes and we again needed to attend church together...we tried several classes but did not fit in well...Finally we found a good class we both loved. The pastor had just started it...we both enjoyed it and we attended as much as possible...Then Mom started forgetting more and more and I had to make the decision of placing her in Assisted was good for everyone...It helped Mom to stay as independent as possible and it helped me and hubby to begin attending our Sunday School and church more...
Then Mom passed in Dec 2009. Our Sunday School class really helped out alot and I feel that easied the grief experience...After the grief was over I began looking at our own lives and marriage...Yes we attended church and yes we prayed but it was not what it should be. So we started really getting into the Bible and praying together and increasing our relationship with each other and with God..
Would I do it again?? Yes I would in a heartbeat!! But I think I would concentrate more on our relation with each other and with God...
Saturday, January 30, 2010
More on Mom

OK Maybe I should devote to all the FUNNY stories that the elderly do....
But when I get sad and miss my Mom I just remember the time she refused to
take a bath...Yep they called me and after about no bathing in a week I went up there and
me and an aide commensed in giving her a bath...well the cried like a two year if we
were killing her...Every time I think of that I burst out laughing...Even though it was stressful and not funny at the time it is sooo funny now...
Another story was when I was moving her from Village on the Park (Independent Living) to Sommerset (Assisted Living) well she was good with the move up until moving day...I went up there to pack her up and she had been upset and crying all day I tried to ignore her and she threatened to call the police on me...
So I had the director of the facility talk to her and he gave her a candy bar and I took her hme with me for the night (what is an extra night!!) and then the next day I got her aide to take her to the new residence for the day while I packed up her room...You have to think ahead of the elderly and it was always a chore...
She ended up spending two night with us and Mom and I got Mother/Daughter pictures taken together...something we both enjoyed doing...Two things we always enjoyed together was getting our pictures taken together (whether at Pet Smart or for a professional Photographer) and grocery shopping...We went grocery shopping every other Thursday for about 30 yrs (until she moved into Village On the Park) then I took her grocery shopping about once a Month (after all she still needed snacks)...sometimes I still miss our every other Thursdays...
Often times I would work my lunch for a couple days and take off an hour or two early so I had time to help her through the store...When Dad got in the nursing home I would work 4 or more lunches then take off half a day every other Thursday...I would pick up Mom and we would go see Dad and spend a couple hours with him then we would head out to the Grocery store...We would often laugh at some of the funny stuff he said and did in the Nursing Home but then after Dad passed and Mom became older she started doing some of the same funny stuff...I would say "Remember when Dad did that?" and she would say "No I don't remember that" and I would just say "that's OK if you don't remember" then I would change the subject so as not to upset her...

Just to let everyone know that My Mom passed away on Dec 12, 2009
Her and Dad had been married 58 yrs...She never was happy after he had passed..
She missed living in her own house and she missed her husband.
I fortunately was able to keep her in Independent Living for about 9 Months after Dad had
passed then in Aug I had to move her into Assisted Living and she went down hill from there.
She came over on Thanksgiving and had quit eating entirely...the week before she passed I took her to the Dentist in the Morning and to the Dr in the afternoon, I bought her over here for lunch but again she did not eat anything..A couple bites at the most..
She also started trying to give me her stuff before she passed..
After our Drs appt the Drs found she had a UTI infection...but she became very NEEDY after that..I would break my heart..When I got ready to leave she would cry and say "Please don't
leave me!!" So I tried sneaking out but she knew I had done that so the next time I bargained with her and said "If you let me go I promise I will be back" She said "You promise?" and I said
"yes" I then said "I will even send a nurse to check on you." She said "You will do that for me?"
I said "yes" and that seemed to pacify her..Then the next time I was fortunate to stay until bed time (8 PM) I tucked her into bed, helping her change into a diaper and take her shoes off..
I teased her about her smelly feet..The aide looked at me and said "Only a daughter could get by with that" Then the next time I saw her was in the ER and she had a stroke and was dying..I held her hand and stroked her hair...She only lived an hour afterwards...
Yes I have grieved and I have bouts of sadness however I found a note Thanking me for taking care of her and for bringing the dogs to see her..She said I calmed her fears and dried her tears..Even through the hard work I did enjoy the time I spent with her..I know she is happy now because her and Dad are together
Blizzard Jan 2010

State is shut down and been inside stitching for 3 days
When we set the dogs out Peanut LOVES the snow
We have a hard time getting him inside...Today I shoveled snow off the back patio and started
tromping through the snow to make them a path well I turned around and there was Peanut following me through the snow covered yard...
Everytime I set him out he comes back all covered head to toe with snow and snow balls stuck in his furr...Once he looked like there were little Marshmellows in his he has been in the sink several times today (it is the easiest way to keep him clean and get the cold snow off his furr)
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