I live in Tornado Alley...
have had tornados my entire life...so when I heard yesterday there was a tornado watch I thought nothing of it...Until I started my drive home..
well I was on the Interstate (which was traveling bumper to bumper in rush hour traffic) now how come they call it rush hour when everyone is traveling at a snails pace??
Anyways all of a sudden I hear the tornado sireens Well hello I cannot go anyplace except sit here in traffic so I listen to the radio...storms on the far NW side of town and I am headed SE no problem as long as this traffic starts moving again (to which it did)..
Well it starts raining and at times getting kinda hard so I decide to jump off the Interstate and go down the back roads...so I get off and am traveling at a good pace now...I turn onto another street and have a couple miles to go before I am home..it is raining off and on hard at times..I am almost to my neighborhood when I hear ping pong...I am in a hail storm..I have been in a hail storm before so no problem until I hear a crack...my front windshield is cracking so I think a hail stone has hit it...well I am in the neighborhood now...not just one crack but now the entire windshield is cracking...I am terrified at this point and crying and praying and I am almost home...
When I reach the house I call hubby on his cell phone and scream "HELP!!! HELP ME!!! I AM HERE AND I NEED HELP"'
Well hubby comes to my rescue and fortunately neither one of us are hurt...
After I get home my back glass pops out...so after wards we access the damage...two vehicles both suffered major hail damage to the windshields...Mine has major hail damage to the body..house has holes in it and back yard looks like craters...but we are both OK and thankful that Mother Nature did not take our lives...I have never seen hail that big before..
1 comment:
Wow that's amazing! So glad you are ok, it's only material things and they can be repaired.
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