Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 4th Holiday

July 4th was really hard on me...
we went to our camping property at the Lake and it was a blast...but my memories kept going
back to Mom and life is totally different this year...we usually stay home for the Holidays and have Mom and Dad come over for a picnic or BBQ however this is our first year
without the parents and after spending over 30 yrs with them on the Holidays we have to get out and do something different as it would be no good to just sit at home and be depressed so it is better to be out and about at the lake and be depressed right???
It worked...yes I missed them both horribly but being at the lake was far better and kept my mind off of least until we got back home and I sat down and had a chance to think about them and our lives...I have a feeling we will be taking alot more week-end trips...

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