Sunday, January 31, 2010

Growing up as a DK

You may ask what is a DK?? Well there are PK's that is a Preachers Kid and there are DK's and that is a Deacons Kid...
There is an old saying that the DK's are the ones that got the PK's into trouble...
So what is it like growing up as a DK?
Well You go to church on Sunday Morning, Sunday Evening, Tuesday night, Wednesday night, Friday night and every time the doors are open
Once when I was about 2 (yes I barely remember it) but my sister was sick and Mom had staying home with her and Dad took me to church and forgot that he had me
I remember standing outside the church on the sidewalk with the nursery worker...Dad finally came back for me...I am sure that was not the LAST time he wanted to forget me!!! LOL
When I was born they had a contest to see how fast they could get me enrolled in Sunday School and I was at church the following Sunday (I was probably barely over a week old and no I don't remember it) but they sang "Happy Birthday to me"

Now I had the meanest parents around...I could not talk in church and once was discussing with a friend of mine about Daylight Savings time...well the preacher stopped, my Dad got up and sat between us...Yep they sure were mean..

They were sooooo mean I could not go to church camp two weeks in a row (Hello I had boyfriends in other churches) they wanted me to work around the I did the normal thing a 16 yr old will do...I ran away...Yes I got a ride to Luther, OK then sat on a Bus bench...the police saw me and asked me if I was a run away and I said "yes sir" he then asked if I had ID and I said "yes sir" so he commenced to calling my parents..
While we waited I got the lecture about how dangerous it was for me to be out there but then he turned around and told me "But you're the cutest customer we have had all day!!"
All of a sudden a car drove up..."is that your dad?" he asked NO but then this long, thin man got out "Oh no that is worse that is the Preacher Bro Albright"

My parents were strick Baptist...You know the saying "I don't smoke, drink, cuss or chew...and I don't go with none who do" So I did the logical thing If the boyfriends were Baptist I would bring them home to meet the parents, however if they were not and did any of the above I would meet them someplace else...

Oh yes and there is Falls Creek...I have been many times, learned how to two time there, camped there, was a counselor there and have had many Religious experiences there...
I must for all teenagers...

I was spent my ENTIRE summer at Camp Nunny Cha Ha yes it was I say was because times change and it is no longer a GA camp...but back then it was the camp for GA girls..I attended there when I was 12 and when I was 18 I worked my entire summer there seeing many little girls lives changed. I made $20 a week so it was not a job to make alot of money but rewarding otherwise. We had one week-end we were required to stay there and one week-end we were required to go home...
The week-end we were required to stay there they had a dinner for us in Davis, OK at the local Steak House and on the Marque it said "Welcome Baptist General Convention" we were all 18 going "Wow we are not the Baptist General Convention!!"

Guess I am fortunate that My parents and I both survived my teen years...Later on I became
proud to be a DK and I guess that is why I helped Dad and Mom so much in their elder years...because for years it was only my Parents and I as my sister went to college and got married so I spent alot of time getting to know them, vacationing with them, cooking for them, worrying about them and loving them...
Yes I am a DK and I survived!!!!

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