This is a Camp Wannasew Magent I thought it would make a great souvenior and hold onto my needles also

This is a Thread Holder with my Project behind it

I started out driving across town to meet a new friend. I had left my Phone number with the SilverNeedle shop in Tulsa,OK in case someone else wanted someone to ride with them..I did not like to drive on far trips (yes hubby drives everywhere when we travel) plus I used to enter all the fatality reports for the OHP and I get a little nervous...
Anyway I found someone to whom wanted a rider...He name is June
I didn't know what to expect as this was my first time at camp...Oh I had been to camps before when I was a teenager and yes I went on excersions with my stitching group but never just to a stitching camp...
I met June and she was really nice..We made friends right way, I am really glad I met her..
She had been to camp before and clued me in on what to bring..
We stopped first to get something to eat then we went to the stitch shop and of course I found more stuff to buy (shhhh don't tell my husband) We then headed to the camp...
before we got there we had to detour as there was an overturned semi blocking the road...I checked to see if one of my buddies was working it but could not tell...
We got off the beaten path and June was confused as to where we were going so I got out the good ole road map...Yes we were OK just going the long way around...
We got to camp and sure enough it was like camp...We had a room with 5 women (including us) and there was one bed and two bunk beds...we both had a bottom bunk..
The bathrooms were down the hall and you had to remember to take everything with you...Train case, clothes and towel (to which you would forget most of the time)
There was a big room full of tables and we all stitched at the tables...I was surprised to find women from all over the USA there...the two others at our table were from Missouri
There was quite a few from Tx and there was women from Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Kansas and more places
The first day we were on our own...We ate at the lodge and stitched our own projects..
The next day was when it all began around 0300pm...
They came out and sat up table for us to shop on...Anything you would want...Patterns, bags, stitching supplies etc
They passed out our projects and then the fun began...stitching away...Friday we went to an Amish Farm for supper and it was terrific...we had one of the best dinners and all homemade..
Then we went back and a few of us went on a walk...when we got back in we began stitching...I finished one project the first night...The pin cushion and the scissor Fob...they were quite easy just stitched with wool and I hated the threads...I stayed up until 1230am stitching them..
The next day I finished them at the finishing table,,
I then started the Holder for the Thread Holder...It was done with Silks and I loved working with them only the project seems a bit more time consuming...I again stayed up until I finished the project...
On Saturday I had a Massage and we had a good breakfast and lunch and for Supper we had Pizza and salad...
The Highlight of the camp was when the smoke alarms kept going off and the Office did not want to fix it...as if we could stitch with alarms going off..
On Sunday we were all sad that it was over with...we stayed for a little while longer and left around 11:00 am..
Overall it was a good camp and a great way to meet new friends...
I may just have to make this an Annual Event...
1 comment:
Sounds like a great time.
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