It is all so empty now...
There are Memories behind this house...both good and
Bad Memories
My parents bought the house when I was only 5 Months old
I used to tell them I helped them move into the house...(LOL)
I remember growing up there and doing sommersaults on the
couch in the TV room...as we grew up the TV room became my sisters Bedroom and
my sommersaults went outside...
We brought friends over and had Sunday dinners of Roast Beef, Meat Loaf or Chicken...
Often inviting the Minister after Curch or a girlfriend or two...
I had Roller Skating parties every year for my Birthday and lots of people over for
Christmas and Thanksgiving...My parents often invited the unexpected for Thanksgiving...
One time prisoners from the Prison Release Center...
My Dad voluntered at the Local Nursing Home and we often went with him on Sunday afternoons and sang for the elderly...
We had no cell phones back then and parents bought a long cord for the Phone so I could talk in the bathroom (In privacy) with only one bathroom no one was allowed to enter while I was on the phone...
There were signs on my door "No NOT Enter" "Danger..Enter At your own Risk" (I was a teenager)
After my sister got married that only left Mom, Dad and me...I often cleaned the house as a surprise for them or cooked a meal when they were busy elsewhere...
We grew older and so did the house...
We got married, we moved...we we came back to the house where Mom and Dad were...I would take Dad out for Breakfast they were both on walkers now and I knew exactly where to find them...either at the Local Mall (they were Mall Walkers) or at the Sr Nutrition Center..
There are Bad memories also...Dad had Parkinsons and started falling... I had to take him from the house and into our house...Mom cried as I am crying now..It was really hard on her..
Then Dad got better and after a year went back with Mom...He lasted a year and finally we had to take him from the house and into a nursing home...
Mom stayed there by herself for 3 yrs
I will always miss the Grocery nights that Mom and I had..For over 30 yrs every other Thursday was grocery night...I would pick Mom up after work and we would go shopping (we both loved shopping together and even enjoyed our grocery nights) To this day I cannot enter Crest on Douglas in Midwest City.
I finally had to move Mom from the house into Independent Living...Mom Cried...I cried for her and wish she could have stayed there but I did what I thought was best for her..
It took a year to clean out the house...and it is now Empty...It will soon be gone...not in the family anymore..
I could never live in the house with all the Memories...but what I have to realize is that house is just a house...It is the Parents and the loved ones that make a Home..
I grew up not in a House but in a Home...Mom and Dad never realized this but they never ever left their Home...When Mom was sitting in the nursing home with Dad (holding hands and praying together) they were at Home...When Mom came over here for Sunday Dinners she was at Home...When Mom was in Assisted Living and I came to see her with my dogs...She was at Home...
Mom and Dad are both at Home now with their Heavenly Father and I pray I will always have a Home...even when my husband is gone I pray God will provide loving people to give me a Home full of love, and joy like I have experienced growing up.
1 comment:
What beautiful memories of a great life. As I read this, with tears beacuse just last month we packed up my parents house too, I realize how happy they made our lives.
Thank you for sharing.
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