Monday, October 4, 2010


So is is normal to be so depressed???
Especially with Holidays coming??

Nothing seems to effect my hubby...he just takes it all in a grain of salt...
Not ME I cry and look at old pictures and cry

I think this depression is because at the end of this week is the anniversary of my Dad passing...
wish I could spend one more day with him...
He was always the dad that could fix anything,,,then he started relying on my to fix everything for him...
He was the dad that would spend time with me...played ball with me when I was younger...then when I got older Mom and I were shopping budedies but Dad he was my breakfast partner...the man loved going out for breakfast...
We also had many camping trips together...
At the end I would go to the nursinghome and sit with him and share a pop with him...

Heck no wonder I cry because he was gone he was a GOOD dad and not too many have good dads these days...I was very fortunate!!

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