Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day

I think of Valentines days in the past...
Once when I was a teenager we had a Valentine Banquet and I had been picked as Royalty...
My first big Moment...even got escourted and what do you think happened...My beau Darryl escourted me into the Banquet and pulled my chair out for me...I sat down and he helped scoot the chair back and of all things it landed on his FOOT!!!
So much for my big Moment on Valentines Day...
Now to Valentines Day 2010...
Hubby got me a card...No flowers, no candy only a card...Am I upset...Why no because any form of love is a treasure that we will always remember...Just as I remember my BIG Moment in History so I will remember how our love flourishes each and every year...We won't remember the cards, or the candy or the flowers but the love we will continously remember...

My parents LOVE for each other lasted for 58 years...I can remember the good times they had at Golden Corral (their favorite restaurant because my dad was a big eater) and even the nursing home could not stop the love and devotion they had for each other...

So I want for our Love that no matter what trials we have been though or trials we have to come that our love and devotion will last Forever!!

If you have no spouse or boy/girl friend to celebrate Valentines day with then concentrate this day on the one you LOVE whether it be a son or daughter or aunt or uncle...Give of your Love and devotion to someone that needs it today..

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